
Only the latest news in business industry

June 22,2020

Hello again to all of you, our dear Friends!

   Our greatest hope and prayer is that you and yours are all well, and staying safe and encouraged during this present time.

 Here, we are happy to say everyone is well and flourishing! From the good health we are enjoying, to the countless other provisions, we can definitely say we are SO blessed!

 Our mama dogs are flourishing too! The excitement and anticipation is running high as this week we anticipate the arrival of our standard size litter!  These puppies are all reserved, and we look forward to matching them with their families.

  Our minis and mediums will be arriving soon as well, all in due time! Thank you all for your patience as we wait on Mother Nature, and devote the next weeks to giving these mamas the best possible care, and the new puppies the best possible start in life.

  We will stay in touch and keep you posted!

 Until then, BLESSINGS!
